Sunday, June 7, 2009

Random thrift store trip

There's a thrift store near where my husband goes ice skating, and he wanted to go skating and I didn't, so he dropped me and my daughter off at the store. (She was less than pleased, but that's not really part of this story.)

I bought things other than books this time (gasp! horror!) but I'll just show you the books. ;)


All of the books were $1.50 except the one on the bottom row, middle, which was half price (75 cents). Turns out that book is not something I'm interested in, as it is essays about motherhood, but is also very religious. I will be giving it away or something. I'm not a huge RR fan but for $1.50 I figured I could check it out. The salsa book is a Chronicle book (yay) and I love salsa. Paul Feig is funny, and the Joyce Maynard book looks really good.

Oh, but I thought I recognized the name Joyce Maynard and couldn't figure out why. I even called a friend of mine and she was like "Yeah, sounds familiar but I don't know who she is offhand."

From Wikipedia, "Daphne Joyce Maynard (born November 5, 1953) is an American author who, in addition to her own literary career, is known for the relationship she had with author J. D. Salinger when she was 18."

OH! Cool.


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