Monday, June 1, 2009

New thrift store, same old tricks.

*crickets* Ah, OK, so nobody's really reading. ;)

So today my husband found me a new thrift store to check out - a St. Vincents.

The good: Big room devoted to books, slightly-less-than-Goodwill prices, nice selection.
The bad: They mark up books on a whim, and they write the price *in Sharpie* on the cover or *in pen* on the inside. This makes me twitch. I know that when I buy used/thrifted books they won't be pristine, but when I want to buy a funny vintage cookbook for the cover and it has a big black $2 written on it, well, it's not as exciting. They also marked up a gorgeous cookbook about cocktails and a lovely Chronicle book with recipes from the CIA (Culinary Institute, not the government agency, though that would be funny). I have far too many cookbooks to pay $3 or $4 for something that just looks pretty, so back on the shelf they went.

Oh but don't think I left empty handed!


Top left - Looking for Mercy Street by Linda Sexton. $2. It was in the dollar section but it apparently didn't have the magic secret dot on it. The sweet little old lady was like "sorry!" and I said "eh, OK, I'll get it anyway."
Top right - Eating My Words by Mimi Sheraton. This was in the $1 section and did have the proper dot. I've wanted to read this for a while. Yay!
Bottom left - Super Baby Food. My kid is a bit older and doesn't need "baby food" but when I flipped through, the book had a bunch of cool recipes. I told you I've started collecting this type of cookbook! $1.50 and written in pen on the inside (for no good reason - all large-ish paperback books are $1.50 unless otherwise marked).
Bottom right - The Unsavvy Traveler. AKA a Seal Press book. Great publisher, so I grabbed it. $1.50.
(My husband also bought two books. Sheesh!)

And this isn't a book but it's too cool to not post:


I had this edition as a kid. I wanted to use it for crafts, my husband wants to play it. As it is sealed, we don't know whether it's a complete game anyway, so that will help determine what it finally becomes. PS SEE THE SHARPIE ON THE BOX? ARGH.

1 comment:

  1. A cricket speaks! CHIRP:

    The Linda Gray Sexton book is a good read. It's interesting to read her point of view. Good find as it's out of print.

    Mille Bornes is cool! I used to play it with my dad when I was a kid... Mine is in a little green box, tho.
