Saturday, July 18, 2009

More thrifting!

Ah, two thrift store trips in one week. Now I'm good for a few more weeks...

First I hit the same store I was at on Wednesday (where I got the majority of the books in the last post). The store was running a 50% off sale, but nothing was really that exciting.


Cookbook, 50 cents. Stinky Cheese Man, $1. I already have a lovely copy of SCM, but I grabbed this for crafty purposes, including possibly framing some of the pages.

Next Value Village:


$1.50 each.


80 cents for Blue Moo, 40 cents for Personal Penguin. Blue Moo is missing the CD, which made me hesitate, but I can get a copy of the CD elsewhere. And after I bought it I regretted NOT buying another Boynton CD-with-book-minus-the-CD that I saw on Wednesday. Ah well, next time I see it I'll get it.

Finally, Goodwill:


$1.50 for the hardcovers, 75 cents for the paperback (Yay! Dar Williams's book!). I already have Olivia but again, this is for crafts/framing. The author of the small alphabet book was one of my professors in grad school.


$1.50. I don't really need any more cookbooks, ever, but this was cute.

OK, back to book fast! ;)

PS is having a HUGE sale on children's books. I may have to break my book fast...check it out!

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