Monday, March 30, 2009

In order to keep this interesting - free books! Contests!

In order for me to feel OK about constantly buying books, I really have to purge my collection on occasion. So I think that I will be offering some of the books I've bought and read (or bought and found doubles of, or bought and later decided I didn't want) as prizes through this blog.

I already have started a pile of books that I will be offering. Just keep watching this blog for my contests to win free books. Particularly if you like the types of books that I tend to thrift!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

50 cent books from local library sale.

All books 50 cents unless otherwise noted. From local library booksale.

Books I bought for me:

I've recently rediscovered Barbara Kingsolver after reading and loving Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Years ago I loved The Bean Trees, and my collection includes a thrifted copy of The Poisonwood Bible. So I was pleased to find this book of essays.


Why yes, I did find *two* books about synesthesia. I found this clinical one first, and the book A Mango-Shaped Space second. I was thrilled about both. I love books like that.

I vaguely remember Tessie and Pearlie - I think I may have read it in the past. Maybe.


(Buffy is for a friend and cost 25 cents.)

Books I bought for my daughter:

Books my husband bought:

(Middlemarch was 25 cents.)



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thrift store day

One store was having a fabulous sale - 10/$1 for paperbacks, 5/$1 for hardbacks...

10 cents each!

(And yes, I've read The Lovely Bones. I always see it at thrift stores and yard sales and book sales and have always left it, but for 10 cents, well, I figured, why not.)


The book with the bones on it is called "The Bone Lady: Life as a Forensic Anthropologist" and I am really excited to read it. And no, I never watch the TV show Bones despite Angel being on it ( in the sunlight...and he's not bursting into flames...?) but I may have to now!

Ah and I've read Anansi Boys too but...yeah...NEIL GAIMAN FOR A DIME YES PLEASE.

(Not shown, a book about pets found on Petfinder that was book #10. I got it for the friend I was thrifting with.)


20 cents each. I already have Office Spa but for 20 cents I figured I could cut it up a bit - it has really cute illustrations.

(Not shown, the two books my friend got - a book about the Dalai Lama and...something else...)


The Last Unicorn - 75 cents (half price).
Ridiculous baby food cookbook - $1.25 (half price).
Toddler book (Seal Press! One of my favorite funky publishers!) - $1.50.



$1.25 each.


$1.50 each. OMG YES I MIGHT GO TO JAPAN. SOMEDAY. WITH MY DAUGHTER. Or, well, it was just too cool to pass up.

Weird thrifty-magical note: at the next Goodwill we went to, several towns over? Another copy of that kids/Japan book! But the one I bought was in better shape so yay.


The one on the left I got in a little used bookstore about a week before all the other books for $2. The one on the right is from the same trip as everything above and was 75 cents (half price). Wheeeeeeee Dr. Sears. Patron saint of crunchy moms everywhere. I hope I can find the rest of the set someday.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thrift store - just bought one!

I bought Girl Talk by Julianna Baggott for $1.50 at Goodwill. And that was all I bought - impressive, eh?

Monday, March 9, 2009

A good very evil friend recently turned me on to And now I'm addicted. However, I try to keep my orders to times when there are sales...

So this is what I got (pictures may or may not follow):

The Best American Magazine Writing 2004 ($2.99)
Damage Control: Women on the Therapists, Beauticians, and Trainers Who Navigate Their Bodies (includes an essay by Francesca Lia Block) ($2.49)
100 Years of the Best Writing and Reporting by Women Journalists ($2.49)
The Merry Recluse by Caroline Knapp ($2.49)
Mortification (essay collection) ($2.49)
The Subway Chronicles (another essay collection) ($2.49)
Tiny Ladies in Shiny Pants by Jill Soloway ($1.99)
Walking a Literary Labryinth by Nancy Malone ($2.49)
Guarding the Moon by Francesca Lia Block ($3.99)